ConvertKit vs Flodesk: Why I won’t be switching anytime soon

  1. Welly Mulia says:

    Thanks for writing a detailed comparison between the 2 platforms, Andrea.

    I, for one, would go the route of simple emails without fancy design as “wow”-ing my audience with great content makes much more sense rather than sending heavy, beautiful emails. For one, it’s a lot faster to create simple emails. Secondly, as you said, with simpler emails it helps with deliverability.

    • Andrea Moore says:

      I love your perspective! I know Flodesk is definitely going to be a major player in email marketing. I could see it being perfect for photographers and artists. But I know my focus needs to be less on the pretty and more on the people and I’m sticking to that.

  2. Brook says:

    Thank you for this thorough review and comparison! It feels like a lot of bloggers are switching from Convertkit to Flodesk lately, and I was looking for a detailed and thoughtful analysis (more than just “Flodesk is easy and pretty”).
    I especially appreciate your focus on the importance of email deliverability, integrations, and customer service. These characteristics are key to the success of customers/bloggers and reflect the core values of the company!

    • Andrea Moore says:

      Thank you so much for saying that! I know Flodesk is going to be a total game-changer for a TON of people. The visual emphasis is absolutely perfect for photographers and artists! But as a blogger I think it’s so so important to keep the focus on simplicity and people. Plus, I would waste so much time on the visuals in my emails even though I know it’s not the most important thing.

  3. Julie Graham says:

    Great info, as a newbie this is MUCH appreciated!

    • Andrea Moore says:

      You are so welcome, Julie! I’m typically the kind of person that goes with the highly customizable, pretty platforms (who wouldn’t?) but when I dug a little deeper I knew ConvertKit was the right choice for bloggers and content creators.

      Let me know if you have any other questions I can answer for ya!

  4. Soraya says:

    Thank you very much for this! I am so overwhelmed that all the bloggers are just writing how beautiful it is. As an small business owner I started with Flodesk , even if this is easy and very visual the emails goes straight forward to the Promotion folder. So that’s not a good strategy for my business. As you mentioned so many questions and no place or chat to find solutions. After all my research I found a Fb group that they don’t even market in the website.

    Even Convertkit is a learning curve and more expensive I prefer to have integration with tools that connects with DIVI and Clickfunnels and customer service when I am lost.

    I lost so many weekends at Flodesk trying to figure out everything just to send a promotion email .

    • Andrea Moore says:

      Yes! ConvertKit totally has a learning curve, but I’ve gotten my questions answered through the chat function and had a great experience with it. I studied graphic design in college, so I’m always inclined to go with the visual options. I had to take a long hard look at both when Flodesk came out!

      Wouldn’t it be so, so good for artists and photographers, though? With such visual businesses, I can Flodesk being perfect.

  5. jilliancombs says:

    Thanks for this post, I am a new blogger who opted for Flodesk, because well…hello the designs are beautiful and the price is right. It was a breath of fresh air to know it would always stay the same price. However, I quickly learned that it integrates with nothing and that causes so much more headache and work on the back end! I sure don’t have time for more headache and work. I am heavily leaning toward making the switch to Convert Kit or Drip and very much appreciated your post!!

    • Andrea Moore says:

      You’re welcome, Jillian! I did soooo much research when I was choosing my ESP only to land on ConvertKit or Drip as well. And once I had my sea legs in email marketing systems I knew other people probably felt as confused as I did. I’m so glad this was helpful for you! Let me know if you have any other questions along the way!

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