As we head into a new year, it’s essential to have an idea of what changes are coming and what changes are here to stay. Especially when it comes to social media for bloggers in 2020. But, instead of talking about the trends in the coming year (and decade!) I wanted to talk about things […]

Blogging, Content Marketing, Design & Photography, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing

December 27, 2019

Social Media for Bloggers in 2020


Marketing can feel downright overwhelming. And when you feel overwhelmed you might make marketing your blog more complicated than it needs to be. Let’s talk about 7 different ways you can simplify your blog marketing strategy. Plan more than one day at a time One of the easiest ways to simplify your marketing and waste […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

November 22, 2019

7 Ways to Simplify your Blog Marketing Strategy

7 ideas for simplifying your blog's marketing strategy

Email marketing is an essential part of the blogger’s money-making toolkit. There are plenty of services to choose from these days, some better than others. Today, I’m taking a hard look at ConvertKit vs Flodesk and comparing the two. And I’ll give you my easy answer and tell you why I’m sticking with my #1 […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, How to Start a Blog, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

November 1, 2019

ConvertKit vs Flodesk: Why I won’t be switching anytime soon

ConvertKit vs Flodesk

It’s 8 o’clock and you’re exhausted from the day. But you need to post something on your FB page. So you login and think, “Wow. It’s already been 2 weeks since my last post. I really need to get more consistent on here!” You click into the box to create a post but you have […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Content Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing

October 15, 2019

Tired of never​ knowing what to post on social media?

Never run out of ideas for social media again! It's easier than you might think!

There are a lot of tips and tricks that people share about attracting your ideal blog avatar. They ask you where the person lives or what their income level is. What color is her hair? Is religion a crucial part of his identity? Where does she shop? What are they struggling with? But there is […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

April 26, 2019

1 Unexpected Tip for Reaching Your Ideal Blog Avatar

reach your ideal blog avatar

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