It’s 8 o’clock and you’re exhausted from the day. But you need to post something on your FB page. So you login and think, “Wow. It’s already been 2 weeks since my last post. I really need to get more consistent on here!” You click into the box to create a post but you have […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Content Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing

October 15, 2019

Tired of never​ knowing what to post on social media?

Never run out of ideas for social media again! It's easier than you might think!

THE SOCIAL MEDIA QUICKSTART BUNDLE IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. So you’re ready to get rolling on social media, huh? There are a million and one things to consider and details to keep track of. It can be downright overwhelming. That’s why I created the Social Media Quick Start Bundle. To help you get up […]

Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing

September 27, 2019

Setting Up Social Media Accounts for your Blog

“You need a Facebook page for your blog.” How many times has someone forced this advice on you? If you’ve just started you blog or business this little nugget is usually one of the first things people tell you to create. It squeaks in just after starting your email list, right? But when was the […]

Facebook Marketing, Marketing

June 26, 2019

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Pages

how to set up a blog facebook page

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