Have you ever searched Pinterest for, “How to have a good Instagram Feed” only to come up with nothing? There are a ton of really simple actions you can take to improve your Instagram feed. Today, I’m sharing 9 simple ways to take your feed from good to next level! 1. Develop a visual theme. […]

Design & Photography, Instagram Marketing, Marketing

December 13, 2019

9 Ways to Improve your Instagram Feed

There is a lot of talk out there about habits and routines. Countless books, blog posts, podcasts and news clips about how “changing your habits & change your life!” New year’s resolutions alway fall apart come February? This year, instead of turning your life upside down why not try a slower approach? I’m sharing my […]

Blogging Mindset

November 29, 2019

How to create new habits without turning your life upside down

create new habits without turning your life upside down

Marketing can feel downright overwhelming. And when you feel overwhelmed you might make marketing your blog more complicated than it needs to be. Let’s talk about 7 different ways you can simplify your blog marketing strategy. Plan more than one day at a time One of the easiest ways to simplify your marketing and waste […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

November 22, 2019

7 Ways to Simplify your Blog Marketing Strategy

7 ideas for simplifying your blog's marketing strategy

Email marketing is an essential part of the blogger’s money-making toolkit. There are plenty of services to choose from these days, some better than others. Today, I’m taking a hard look at ConvertKit vs Flodesk and comparing the two. And I’ll give you my easy answer and tell you why I’m sticking with my #1 […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, How to Start a Blog, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

November 1, 2019

ConvertKit vs Flodesk: Why I won’t be switching anytime soon

ConvertKit vs Flodesk

Today I want to talk about something tough: confidence. We all have that one thing in life that stops us in our tracks, but I know for a lot of bloggers, the process of sharing our work can be a real sticking point. This lack of confidence usually stems from fear of some kind. So, […]

Blogging, Blogging Mindset, Marketing, Social Media Marketing

October 25, 2019

8 common blogging fears and how to overcome them

8 common blogging fears and how to overcome them, social media edition

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