It’s 8 o’clock and you’re exhausted from the day. But you need to post something on your FB page. So you login and think, “Wow. It’s already been 2 weeks since my last post. I really need to get more consistent on here!” You click into the box to create a post but you have […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Content Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing

October 15, 2019

Tired of never​ knowing what to post on social media?

Never run out of ideas for social media again! It's easier than you might think!

Ni-ch. Nee-ch. Nee-sh. Sheesh. Sound about right to you? Niche is definitely a word that definitely gets thrown around the blogging community. Like, a lot. Even if you’ve only done one Pinterest search about blogging, you probably saw the word niche in one of the top ten pins. Or maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “The […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Marketing

September 13, 2019

How To Find Your Blog Niche In The Next Hour

find your blog niche

Writer’s block. At some point in our blogging, we all reach a point where we have no idea what to say. And it’s usually when we have little to no time to write the post or email, right? “Oh my gosh. I have to send my weekly email out in 30 minutes and I have […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Content Marketing, How to Start a Blog

May 10, 2019

9 Questions to Cure your Blog Writer’s Block

cure writer's block

There are a lot of tips and tricks that people share about attracting your ideal blog avatar. They ask you where the person lives or what their income level is. What color is her hair? Is religion a crucial part of his identity? Where does she shop? What are they struggling with? But there is […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

April 26, 2019

1 Unexpected Tip for Reaching Your Ideal Blog Avatar

reach your ideal blog avatar

One of the perks of blogging is being able to make it work for your schedule. Sometimes that means fitting it all into the bits and pieces of time left in your day. Maybe you’re stuck in the pick-up line at school or you’re waiting to meet a friend for coffee and have a few […]

Blogging, Blogging Tips

April 17, 2019

18 Blogging Tasks you can do from your iPhone now!

blogging task you can do from your phone

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