As we head into a new year, it’s essential to have an idea of what changes are coming and what changes are here to stay. Especially when it comes to social media for bloggers in 2020. But, instead of talking about the trends in the coming year (and decade!) I wanted to talk about things […]

Blogging, Content Marketing, Design & Photography, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing

December 27, 2019

Social Media for Bloggers in 2020


Have you ever searched Pinterest for, “How to have a good Instagram Feed” only to come up with nothing? There are a ton of really simple actions you can take to improve your Instagram feed. Today, I’m sharing 9 simple ways to take your feed from good to next level! 1. Develop a visual theme. […]

Design & Photography, Instagram Marketing, Marketing

December 13, 2019

9 Ways to Improve your Instagram Feed

Creating an instagram feed is easy. But, there are a lot of people out there that will tell you that your Instagram feed needs to be perfect.  Like, all professional photos, perfect grid layout, etc.  And it makes Instagram seem unapproachable as a blogger. At least that’s how it felt for me. But it doesn’t […]

Blogging, Design & Photography, Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing

August 9, 2019

6 Simple Steps to a Beautiful Blog Instagram Feed

creating an instagram feed

So, you’ve started a blog and you’re ready to make the switch from your free theme to a paid theme that makes your blog look more professional. Yay! This is such a fun process! But how do you go about choosing the right one for your blog? There’s tech to consider and the look, obviously, […]

Blogging, Design & Photography, How to Start a Blog

May 8, 2019

Choosing the Best Theme for Your Blog

choose the perfect blog theme

Flat lay photos and workspace pics are all the rage right now in the blogging world. And to be honest, I kind of love it. Using stock photos can save you time and help you build a beautiful online visual brand. Finding stock photos for bloggers of every niche can be a challenge, though. So, […]

Blogging, Design & Photography

May 1, 2019

Stock Photos for Bloggers​: The Ultimate List for Every Blog Niche

stock photos for bloggers

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