Starting your own blog or website is a big undertaking. From the tech setup and marketing to the long term writing commitment, blogging is not something to jump into lightly. This is the advice I wish I would have gotten before I started blogging: Test your blog idea first. And, honestly, I don’t want you […]
Blogging is a super hot topic of discussion in the online business and marketing world. Is it outdated? Is it worth your time? Does anyone even read blogs anymore? Didn’t social media replace blogs? For the last 5 years (or so) there’s been continued debate about whether blogging is still good for business or not. […]
The best books for bloggers, in my opinion, are ones that teach something new, deepen your knowledge, change your perspective, or spark your creativity. And bloggers are some of the most voracious readers and learners that I know. If you’re not actively working on your blog, you’re listening to an audiobook about marketing or reading […]
Let’s be real: Being an introvert on the internet is exhausting. Social media makes us feel like we have be “on” all the time. And as an ultra introvert myself, I get exhausted in no time. I’m the kind of introvert that gets tired after going grocery shopping on a busy Saturday. And if there’s […]
Becoming a blogger means becoming a radical owner of your time. But with the literally millions of tasks that you have to complete it can become terribly overwhelming to figure out how to complete everything on your to do list. Ever feel like you don’t have time for social media when it comes to your […]